Sponsor A Seat
Midnight weekend screenings happen on Friday & Saturday nights (meaning arrive on Friday and/or Saturday night by 11:45pm for seating, the movie starts after midnight)!
Run Time: 1 min.
Want to be a permanent part of Row House Cinema?
Sponsor a theater seat, and support your favorite independent cinema as we get back on our feet after a devastating flood this spring.
Seat sponsorship comes with a shiny little plaque engraved with your name (or your cat’s name or partners’ name… really any name you want) on the back of one of the seats. Seats are available through August 15 when our capital campaign will end.
As always, we want to thank Pittsburgh and our fans for the support and love. Without you, our little independent theater wouldn’t be here doing its thing!
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: What can go on the plaque? A: Text or vectors
Q: How much text can go on a plaque? A: 42 characters including spaces & punctuation
Q: Can I write whatever I want? A: Yes, but with our approval
Q: Can I choose a specific seat? A: Yes! Please see additional info below under “Notes”
Q: Can a company sponsor? A: Sure!
Q: How long will these last? A: minimum of 10 years or however long we have the seats in the theater
Q: Can I buy it as a gift? A: Yes!
Q: Deadline to buy? A: August 15
Q: Deadline to submit text? A: August 22
Anything questions we didn’t cover? Send them to manager@rowhousecinemas.com
– About the destruction –
On Tuesday (5-14) Row House and Bierport were both flooded when a nearby water main broke, putting our theater under 4 inches of water. It was a soggy and sad week, but with the help of 30 different individuals working 16 hour days, we were able to re-open! The rebuilding has been very expensive, and we need your help.
– Notes –
Your seat will be chosen at random. If you sponsor more than one, we can put multiple seats together. If you want to choose a specific seat, you may do so for $25 more. Select “Engraved Seat – Specific Seat” as your choice. If any of your choices are not available, we will refund the extra $25. 8/15/19 is the last day to sponsor a seat.