Ninja vs Shark
Midnight weekend screenings happen on Friday & Saturday nights (meaning arrive on Friday and/or Saturday night by 11:45pm for seating, the movie starts after midnight)!
Director: Koichi Sakamoto Run Time: 77 min. Format: Audio Amplification Available Release Year: 2023 Language: Japanese
Starring: Juria Nagano, Kanon Miyahara, Kohshu Hirano, Shun Nishime, Yuichi Nakamura
In the Edo period, at the remote village of Okitsu, the evil cult leader Koushirou uses ninjutsu to bewitch sharks and forces them to attack local pearl divers so the cult can steal the pearls from their mangled corpses. Desperate for help, the village chief hires Kotaro Shiozaki, a guard at a nearby temple, but Kotaro soon finds his path blocked by lady ninja Kikuma and a gigantic shark that doesn’t seem like something from this world.