In this beautifully colored animated film, 19-year-old Hinako is a passionate surfer who meets firefighter, Minato when he rescues her from an apartment fire. They quickly bond and Hinako teaches Minato how to surf. However, tragedy hits when Minato goes surfing during a terrible storm.
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In a dystopian future where disease has been conquered, wealth disparity increases, keeping life-prolonging technology out of the hands of the have-nots. When one man is imbued with world-changing powers, mankind is forced to face its own humanity—or lack thereof.
Read MorePittsburgh Sneak Preview — When Ruka was younger, she saw a ghost in the water at the aquarium where her dad works, and now she has the ability to hear calls from the ocean. Along with two friends, she is drawn into the mystery of the sudden disappearance of the world’s sea creatures.
Read MoreDon’t miss this cyberpunk action thriller that feels like an anime mashup of Blade Runner and Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. A top cop is sent to investigate a series of terrorist attacks caused by the “Puppet Master.” When she finally catches him, things aren’t as they seem in this film that helped define the genre.
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