Midnight screenings happen at midnight the day listed. For example, if it says Saturday At Midnight, please arrive by 11:45pm Saturday night.
Director: Sam Mendes Run Time: 119 min. Format: Closed Captioning & Audio Amplification Available Release Year: 2019
Starring: Andrew Scott, Benedict Cumberbatch, Richard Madden, Teresa Mahoney
April 6th, 1917, at the height of the First World War, two young British soldiers are assigned to race against time and deliver a message across enemy territory that will stop a deadly attack on hundreds of soldiers. Award winning director, Sam Mendes, presents yet another epic story with breathtaking visuals that you won’t want to miss. (2019)
Friday, 2/21/20 @ 12:15 pm
Friday, 2/21/20 @ 7:30 pm
Saturday, 2/22/20 @ 12:45 pm
Sunday, 2/23/20 @ 1:50 pm
Tuesday, 2/25/20 @ 12:15 pm
Wednesday, 2/26/20 @ 9:25 pm
Thursday, 2/27/20 @ 5:00 pm