Midnight screenings happen at midnight the day listed. For example, if it says Saturday At Midnight, please arrive by 11:45pm Saturday night.
Run Time: 73 min. Format: Audio Amplification Available Rating: PG Release Year: 2024
Starring: A Bunch of Cats!
The nationally touring CatVideoFest returns to Row House Cinema! Many of you already know and love CatVideoFest, but for the uninitiated, this is a truly glorious 73 min reel of the funniest, cutest, and craziest cat videos, curated from thousands of submissions every year.
*Please note that this is the national reel, NOT the Row House original reel released in 2020
CatVideoFest Cereal Cinema
10:30 am – August 3 – $17.50
Watch a family friendly and adorable cat video reel and enjoy some classic cereals! Door opens at 10 am and the film will start at 10:30 am. Plant based and gluten free options will be available.