REGISTRATION: Sweded Film Festival (2024)
Midnight screenings happen at midnight the day listed. For example, if it says Saturday At Midnight, please arrive by 11:45pm Saturday night.
Run Time: 1 min. Release Year: 2021
ATTN: Pittsburgh movie makers, comedians, and film lovers! It’s time to register for the 2024 Sweded Film Festival for Creative Re-Creations!
The Sweded Film Festival is returning for the 6th year and registration is now open for all filmmakers!
Purchase your registration here, then dibs your film by emailing info@rowhousecinema.com. Then get filming.
What Is a Sweded Film, you ask? Great Question
Sweded film are famous films recreated by amateurs in under 5 minutes —inspired by Michel Gondry’s 2008 comedy “Be Kind Rewind.”
Films are short, from 3 – 5 minutes long and made using phone cameras and homemade props. You don’t need a fancy video camera or any particular acting talent to make a Swede— just some imagination and a good idea!
Check out some examples: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FP8qkrwVg38
I’m interested! What now?
-First thing’s first. You have to register using the link above and pay a $10 entry fee.
-Second, email us at info@rowhousecinema.com to dibs the film you want to Swede.
-Then get working. Be sure to check out the film specifications below and remember – it’s a Swede. So keep it fast, cheap, and out of control…. but make it awesome!
-Submit your film! We’ll be screening them in June 28-July 4, 2024 with our annual awards ceremony on July 3 at Row House Cinema in Lawrenceville. Audience members will vote on their favorites, Andy you could win a cash prize!
The DEADLINE to register and submit your film is June 14 by 11am EST.
Film Guidelines & Requirements
– DIBS the film you’re going to Swede early by emailing info@rowhousecinema.com (we do this to avoid doubles within the same year)
– Length must be 3-5 minutes
– keep it PG-13
– must be a swede of a known movie. Remember, the more popular the film, the more your swede will be loved.
– flat format – 1998 x 1080 (note… not 1920 x 1080)
– frame rate – 24 fps or 30 fps (note… not 23.98 fps)
– audio can be up to 5.1 surround
– acceptable formats include mp4, mov, m4v only
Other Important Stuff
– Row House has the right to reject any movie for content or technical failure.
– Row House and the filmmakers share the rights to submitted Sweded films
– Registration fee is non-refundable