Keep An Eye Out
Midnight screenings happen at midnight the day listed. For example, if it says Saturday At Midnight, please arrive by 11:45pm Saturday night.
Run Time: 73 min. Format: Online Virtual Ticket
Keep An Eye out! (French: Au Poste!) is a 2018 French surreal black comedy film written and directed by Quintin Dupieux of Deerkskin. It follows a cop interrogating an average Joe who discovers a dead body, but can’t seem to keep from explaining himself as the only suspect. . As the film begins, Fugain must, on an empty stomach, explain how and why he happened to leave home seven times in one night before coming across a corpse in a puddle of blood. Since he’s the investigation’s only suspect, Fugain’s anxiety is already sky-high when Buran leaves him alone with Philippe, a one-eyed rookie cop with bizarre speech patterns and a few minutes to live. Bloody hijinks ensue, and before long, we’re in Buñuel territory.